Purpose and Sustainability

At SSC Partnership, we aim to keep buildings and estates operational and compliant, in the best possible condition to fulfil their purpose and prevent the deterioration of assets while enhancing their sustainability. By ensuring that equipment and facilities operate optimally, our clients decrease the frequency of replacements, effectively minimising waste and reducing their environmental impact. Embracing these practices aligns with the broader goal of creating environmentally conscious and responsible organisations, including measures to address energy waste, carbon emissions, and other factors that increase the energy efficiency of the building.

Our unique approach

At SSC Partnership, we take a systematic approach to building management; by ensuring the availability and reliability of all equipment, we consider every stage of the asset’s life: planning, procurement, operation, maintenance, and disposal. In the planning phase, it is imperative to understand the client’s needs, the design criteria, and the quality and maintenance costs they will incur throughout the asset’s life. Clear and transparent communication with the client regarding space usage is necessary to understand their objectives.

Inclusive Service Management

SSC Partnership’s building and estates management refers to the operation, maintenance, and repair of properties, which are classified into two categories: hard and soft services. Hard services primarily cover services to fixed elements ‘attached’ to the building that cannot easily be removed, such as repairing a leaking roof and servicing a boiler. Soft services focus on the building environment and the user experience, such as cleaning and security. In any of these areas, we consider the financial aspect—operational costs, maintenance contracts, and even administrative expenses. As in other areas, all the usual types of maintenance apply; reactive, preventive, and planned maintenance. Reactive maintenance is primary, while planned maintenance focuses on the availability and reliability of equipment, ensuring that the building always operates smoothly. Our building and estates management is a valuable service that leads to consistency in your organisation, resulting in transparency, improved planning, risk management, and value for money.

Our service includes…

  • Developing, monitoring and managing strategic asset management plans.
  • Preparing Inventory of maintainable and replacement assets.
  • Planning for long-term maintenance of your asset inventory.
  • Building Inspection Surveys.
  • Developing, monitoring and managing rolling maintenance programmes.
  • Advising and assisting with grant and capital funding applications.
  • Access to independent industry expertise.
  • Procurement of maintenance contracts.
  • Contract Management to ensure compliance in accordance with CDM Regulations 2015.
  • Comprehensive maintenance reports and meeting.
  • Compliance Audits.
  • Providing templates, support and training.
  • Health and Safety Compliance.
  • Monitoring changes in government and building regulations.
  • Asbestos Management.
  • Water Hygiene Management.
  • Fire Risk Assessment Management.
  • Helpdesk offering support and advice.
  • Client portal for easy access to documents.
  • Comparable quotations to ensure value for money.

“Woodbridge High School has worked in partnership with SSC Partnership for around seven years, within a contract arrangement established to replace many of the building services previously provided by the local authority. This relationship has expanded over the years to include expert advice and guidance concerning small, medium, and large building capital project work; office, classroom, and external refurbishments; and to tender and then manage as part of an annual buy-back agreement service contracts such as asbestos, legionella, boiler maintenance, fire management, electrical testing, etc. This provides the school with all-year-round support package to strengthen all aspects of our site management and gives us assurances that we can fulfil our statutory premises functions.

Effective buildings management is a huge responsibility on schools, so it is essential that they can tap into reliable, robust, and efficient support systems.”

Frank Gordon

School Business & Finance Manager