At SSC Partnership, we offer tailored solutions that simplify the complexities of procurement, ensuring a seamless and strategic approach to meet your unique needs. We take pride in our commitment to excellence, and our experienced team adeptly manages the intricacies of the procurement landscape, offering comprehensive support at every stage.

Preliminary Market Engagement
We will engage with a Contracting Authority before the publishing of a tender notice in respect of a public contract for the purpose of:
- developing the authority’s requirements and approach to the procurement;
- designing a procedure, conditions of participation or award criteria;
- preparing the tender notice and associated tender documents;
- identifying suppliers that may be able to supply the goods, services or works required;
- identifying likely contractual terms;
- building capacity among suppliers in relation to the contract being awarded.
Our service includes…
- Procurement engagement & preparation.
- Preparation of tender documentation.
- Undertaking a public sector tendering process.
- Organising and attending contractor site visit.
- Aiding the Client Evaluation process.
- Issuing Contract Award.
- Managing the Contract Mobilisation.
- Providing ongoing contract management.
- Preliminary Market Engagement.